Rugby World Cup in Toulouse in 2023 : book your VTC driver now.
In 1 year almost to the day, the Rugby World Cup will take place in France, and 5 matches will be held in Toulouse. Rugby city par excellence. Groups of people planning to come and support their team from Japan, New Zealand, Georgia or Fiji are already starting to contact us. And I urge you to do the same if you want to be sure to have a safe, comfortable and pre-priced transportation solution. By the way, I invite you to book your hotel and restaurant as well because it will be really complicated at the last moment. Of course as usual we can take care of all your reservations and organize everything for you. Contact us, tell us when you plan to come to the city of Rugby that is Toulouse and what we can do for you. And we will make sure to offer you much more ????.... #rugby #coupedumondederugby2023 #coupedumondederugby #stadium #stadetoulousain #toulouse #rugbyatoulouse #rugbyàtoulouse #rugbytoulouse #sejouratoulouse #visitedetoulouse #vtc #chauffeurprive #chauffeurprivé #mercedesclassee #mercedesclassev #mercedesito #volkswagencaravelle #transportvip #transportdegroupe #transportdegroups #vtc #chauffeurvtc #vtctoulouse #avs #avotreservice